Center for Manchu Studies


The Manchu people, who ruled the Qing Dynasty, left many records in their language, and these provide precious information which cannot be gleaned from classical materials in Chinese. In addition, the Manchu language has many similarities with the Korean language, and thus it is an important comparative resource that can be used to examine the evolution of the Korean language. Therefore, it is essential to review these Manchu records in order to understand the history, language, and culture of China, inland Asia, and Korea from a new perspective.

An understanding of the history of Korea is very helpful to Manchurian Studies because, in addition to the linguistic commonalities between Korea and Manchu, Korea has historical ties with Eupru, Mulgil, and Malgal, the predecessors of Manchuria, and had a close relationship with the Manchu people. Thus, Korea is well-equipped to understand the history, language, and culture of Manchuria.

The Research Institute of Korean Studies (RIKS) has striven to develop its Manchu Studies program through various activities. It has collected Manchu materials, established a Manchu language course, invited eminent domestic and international experts to lecture on and debate the status of Manchu Studies internationally, and actively promoted academic exchanges with overseas scholars. Building on these initiatives, the Center for Manchu Studies was founded, which RIKS aims to develop into a world-class research institute.

Research and Other Objectives

Accumulating Research Resources and Building Archives
- Examination, collection, and organization of basic Manchu data derived from materials held in Korea and other countries
- Establishment of a database of major Manchu Studies research materials held in Korea and other countries
- Establishment of international networks among researchers and research institutes
Cultivating and Growing Professional Research Team
- Facilitation of improvement in the quality of Manchu language research
- Development of ongoing and systematic Manchu language programs
- Development of curricula for each proficiency level and publication of textbooks
- Running of and support for reading comprehension classes
- Planning of Manchu language teacher training programs
Ongoing Manchu Activities
- Permanent running of Manchu reading class
- Development of basic tools for research (Manchu dictionary, grammar text, workbook, etc.)
- Holding of various conferences, seminars, and lectures with invited speakers
Building Upon Research Activities
- Publication of translated versions of major Manchurian materials
- Development of Manchu cultural content / Provision of cultural content to relevant parties
- Expansion of research areas (e.g. Korea-China relations, literature, and shamanism during the Qing Dynasty)
- Presentation of research results and publication of research papers



Sep. 1, 2014 –
Aug. 30, 2017
The Fundamental Research Grant Project funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (three-year project) conducted
June 2014 Manchu language script for the soap opera “The Three Musketeers” provided and supervised
May 2014 Academic exchange agreement with the Center for Manchu Language and Culture at Harbin Engineering University in China signed
Dec. 2013 Academic exchange agreement with the Research Institute of the Northeast Minorities at Dalian Minzu University in China signed
May 23, 2012 Center for Manchu Studies established Conference on the establishment of the Center for Manchu Studies held
Nov. 2011 Academic exchange agreement with the Research Institute of the Manchu Language, based in the Social Science Center in Beijing, China signed
2011 Manchu language script for the movie “The Last Weapon: Bow” provided and supervised
Research Institute of Korean Studies (RIKS), Korea University
145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, Korea
Tel : 82-2-3290-1610~1613 / Fax : 82-2-926-8385