Over the past 60 years, the Research Institute of Korean Studies (RIKS) at Korea University has developed into one of the leading research institutes of Korean Studies, throughout that time growing in tandem with modern Korean society. With around 100 highly professional researchers and support staff, ample research facilities and resources, and a respected track record in research and scholarly achievement, RIKS also aims to contribute to the development of the humanities in Korea.
- Cultural Research
Beyond Boundaries - A significant problem exists in modern scholarly work, despite its great achievements. With the growing specialization of each field, many disciplines, including Korean Studies, have been fragmented and their intercommunication diminished. In order to achieve greater dialog between various fields, RIKS seeks to integrate existing Korean Studies research into the field of Korean cultural research.
- Expansion of International
Cooperation and the Scope of Korean Studies - International academic exchanges and cooperation are no longer unusual. As a field of localized research, Korean Studies has been to a great extent limited to a national focus, and thus the need for communication and exchange with institutions and researchers internationally is urgent. In order to expand the scope of Korean Studies, our institute seeks to expand exchanges and cooperation with researchers and institutes dedicated to East Asian and other regional studies, as well as those engaged in Korean studies overseas.
- Creative Assimilation of
Humanistic Research and Information Technology - The emergence of various digital media and the development of science and technology have brought about great changes in the production and distribution of knowledge. However, such revolutionary changes have diminished the interest in humanities. In this context, we are continuously working on the digitization of Korean Studies materials and the further development of our program of applied research. We also seek other opportunities for the creative assimilation of humanistic-oriented research and information technology.
- An Enterprising and
Open Research Community - Most university-based humanities research institutes are facing the need to enhance their role and position both inside and outside of their schools, by making the case for the value of their research activities. In order to emphasize the characteristics of RIKS as a research community, we strive to enhance communication among researchers. We also endeavor to increase the flexibility and openness of our research institute and to continually improve its operations, so that we can fruitfully respond to internal and external demands and expectations.